All Bookstores
Tax & Accounting
Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting and CCH CPELink are committed to providing exceptional continuing professional education to accounting and finance professionals.
Kluwer Digital Books
Our Digital Book Platform offers customers the ability to search, browse and read web-ready PDF books. Subscriptions to various packages are available.
Kluwer Law International Bookstore
Providing comprehensive international legal & business information.
Law Books Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory Bookstore
Browse our extensive offering of expert legal resources, tools and workflow solutions for legal, corporate and compliance professionals. Shop titles that span a variety of practice areas and market segments, from healthcare to government, and securities to banking.
Lexicomp Books - Printed Drug References
We have built relationships with hundreds of authors and consultant editors from the healthcare professions who help construct and validate our trusted printed resources, including handbooks and manuals geared for pharmacists, physicians and other prescribers, nurses and advanced practice nurses, dental professionals, and students.
Lippincott Direct
Looking for your nursing course materials? Search by school, see your recommended books and ensure you're ordering the correct titles.
Lippincott Journals Online
Prominent, authoritative, and high-impact journals in medicine, allied health and nursing. Peer-reviewed research, case studies, multi-media, and open access content spanning a breadth of healthcare specialties and interests.
Lippincott Wilkins and Williams
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) - an imprint of Wolters Kluwer - publishes scientific, technical, and medical content such as textbooks, refe rence works, and over 275 scientific journals
Made Incredibly Easy
Containing over 50 titles The Made Incredibly Easy, Made Incredibly Quick! and Made Incredibly Visual! books help you succeed on the job and in the classroom by breaking down challenging clinical concepts and presenting them in a refreshingly original, engaging style that is easy to understand.
NILS Red Books
The NILS Red Books Service delivers the full range of regulatory information that America's insurers, reinsurers, agents and brokers need to comply and compete.
Printed IRA, HSA and mortgage materials
1Printed materials from Wolters Kluwer help you stay compliant, simplify your processes and improve your customers' experience
Small Firm Tax Research Bookstore
Stay on top of the latest and most important changes in the tax and accounting industry, with Wolters Kluwer's industry leading tax research.
Tax & Accounting Association Alliance Program
Expertly-written content for staying on top of industry and market-leading developments.
Tax & Accounting Textbooks
Textbooks for Colleges and Universities.
VitalSource Bookshelf for Wolters Kluwer
Get instant access to your Lippincott eTextbooks and a full suite of study tools on any device—both online and offline - through VitalSource Bookshelf, the world’s leading platform for digital textbooks and course materials.
Health Bookstores
Made Incredibly Easy
Containing over 50 titles The Made Incredibly Easy, Made Incredibly Quick! and Made Incredibly Visual! books help you succeed on the job and in the classroom by breaking down challenging clinical concepts and presenting them in a refreshingly original, engaging style that is easy to understand.
Lippincott Journals Online
Prominent, authoritative, and high-impact journals in medicine, allied health and nursing. Peer-reviewed research, case studies, multi-media, and open access content spanning a breadth of healthcare specialties and interests.
Lippincott Direct
Looking for your nursing course materials? Search by school, see your recommended books and ensure you're ordering the correct titles.
Lippincott Wilkins and Williams
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) - an imprint of Wolters Kluwer - publishes scientific, technical, and medical content such as textbooks, refe rence works, and over 275 scientific journals
VitalSource Bookshelf for Wolters Kluwer
Get instant access to your Lippincott eTextbooks and a full suite of study tools on any device—both online and offline - through VitalSource Bookshelf, the world’s leading platform for digital textbooks and course materials.
Lexicomp Books - Printed Drug References
We have built relationships with hundreds of authors and consultant editors from the healthcare professions who help construct and validate our trusted printed resources, including handbooks and manuals geared for pharmacists, physicians and other prescribers, nurses and advanced practice nurses, dental professionals, and students.
Tax & Accounting Bookstores
Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting and CCH CPELink are committed to providing exceptional continuing professional education to accounting and finance professionals.
Small Firm Tax Research Bookstore
Stay on top of the latest and most important changes in the tax and accounting industry, with Wolters Kluwer's industry leading tax research.
Tax & Accounting Association Alliance Program
Expertly-written content for staying on top of industry and market-leading developments.
Tax & Accounting Association Alliance Program
Expertly-written content for staying on top of industry and market-leading developments.
Tax & Accounting Textbooks
Textbooks for Colleges and Universities.
Finance Bookstores
Printed IRA, HSA and mortgage materials
1Printed materials from Wolters Kluwer help you stay compliant, simplify your processes and improve your customers' experience
NILS Red Books
The NILS Red Books Service delivers the full range of regulatory information that America's insurers, reinsurers, agents and brokers need to comply and compete.
Compliance Bookstores
NILS Red Books
The NILS Red Books Service delivers the full range of regulatory information that America's insurers, reinsurers, agents and brokers need to comply and compete.
Printed IRA, HSA and mortgage materials
1Printed materials from Wolters Kluwer help you stay compliant, simplify your processes and improve your customers' experience
Legal Bookstores
Kluwer Law International Bookstore
Providing comprehensive international legal & business information.
Kluwer Digital Books
Our Digital Book Platform offers customers the ability to search, browse and read web-ready PDF books. Subscriptions to various packages are available.
Law Books Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory Bookstore
Browse our extensive offering of expert legal resources, tools and workflow solutions for legal, corporate and compliance professionals. Shop titles that span a variety of practice areas and market segments, from healthcare to government, and securities to banking.
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