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Pediatric Telephone Advice
- Publication Year:
- 2004
- Edition:
- 3rd
- Author:
- Schmitt, Barton D., MD
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- 978-0-78-175079-0
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This updated third edition helps medical offices and clinics ask the right questions to better perform pediatric telephone triage.
In telephone triage, accuracy counts. Inside this handy on-the-spot guide, you'll find the step-by-step protocols needed for effective telephone triage of common pediatric symptoms. Presented logically in algorithmic format, each protocol lists the questions to ask callers when evaluating the urgency of their problem, and shows you how to differentiate cases requiring emergency intervention from those better addressed through an office visit or home care. You'll also find first-aid and home care instructions for parents and tips on alerting parents to potential complications warranting a call back. Logical organization takes you from the basics of telephone triage to specific guidance on handling medical emergencies, trauma, newborn or infant issues, and symptoms of both mild and severe illness. Detailed protocols show you what questions to ask callers, helping you elicit the clinically essential information needed to make an accurate and rapid assessment. Thoroughly updated content assures you of the most current and accurate telephone triage advice. Spiral-bound format ensures you never lose your place--perfect for on-the-spot consultation.
In telephone triage, accuracy counts. Inside this handy on-the-spot guide, you'll find the step-by-step protocols needed for effective telephone triage of common pediatric symptoms. Presented logically in algorithmic format, each protocol lists the questions to ask callers when evaluating the urgency of their problem, and shows you how to differentiate cases requiring emergency intervention from those better addressed through an office visit or home care. You'll also find first-aid and home care instructions for parents and tips on alerting parents to potential complications warranting a call back. Logical organization takes you from the basics of telephone triage to specific guidance on handling medical emergencies, trauma, newborn or infant issues, and symptoms of both mild and severe illness. Detailed protocols show you what questions to ask callers, helping you elicit the clinically essential information needed to make an accurate and rapid assessment. Thoroughly updated content assures you of the most current and accurate telephone triage advice. Spiral-bound format ensures you never lose your place--perfect for on-the-spot consultation.
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- Product Type:
- Book
- Author:
- Schmitt, Barton D., MD
- 978-0-78-175079-0
- Specialty:
- Advanced Practice
- Nurse Practitioner
- Pediatric Nursing
- Pediatrics
- Physician Assistant
- Primary Care/Family Medicine/General Practice
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 3rd
- Pages:
- 450
- Publication Year:
- 2004
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