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NCLEX-RN Questions & Answers Made Incredibly Easy!
- Publication Year:
- 2016
- Edition:
- 7th
- Author:
- Lisko, Susan A.
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- 978-1-49-632549-5
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Designed to help anyone preparing to take the RN licensing examination.
Students and faculty also use the book as a study guide and practice tests for preparing for faculty-made examinations. The book is divided into seven parts. Part I explains the basics of NCLEX test construction and gives ideas to students about how they should prepare. Parts II to V are designed to support the four major content areas of pre-licensure programs: medical-surgical, psychiatric/mental health, maternity, and pediatrics.
Each of these sections contains multiple questions and answers in a side-by-side format. Part VI, ""Issues in Nursing"", emphasizes content areas that do not easily fall in any of the other sections: management/leadership and ethical/legal issues. Part VII consists of three Comprehensive Tests of varying lengths from 75 questions (the minimum number of items any student taking the NCLEX RN will receive) to 265 questions (the maximum number of items any student taking the NCLEX RN will receive).
Throughout the book, the Made Incredibly Easy design, art, and captions help to engage students and present a fun, relaxed, encouraging, and supportive learning experience.
Thousands of questions at the application level or above prompt active learning and higher-order thinking. Questions are aligned with the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) 2016 RN test plan and are written in the style used on the licensing examination. Other features include the use of all the types of alternate-format questions found on the licensing examination, detailed rationale for both correct and incorrect answers, information about the NCLEX-RN, and study tips.
Students and faculty also use the book as a study guide and practice tests for preparing for faculty-made examinations. The book is divided into seven parts. Part I explains the basics of NCLEX test construction and gives ideas to students about how they should prepare. Parts II to V are designed to support the four major content areas of pre-licensure programs: medical-surgical, psychiatric/mental health, maternity, and pediatrics.
Each of these sections contains multiple questions and answers in a side-by-side format. Part VI, ""Issues in Nursing"", emphasizes content areas that do not easily fall in any of the other sections: management/leadership and ethical/legal issues. Part VII consists of three Comprehensive Tests of varying lengths from 75 questions (the minimum number of items any student taking the NCLEX RN will receive) to 265 questions (the maximum number of items any student taking the NCLEX RN will receive).
Throughout the book, the Made Incredibly Easy design, art, and captions help to engage students and present a fun, relaxed, encouraging, and supportive learning experience.
Thousands of questions at the application level or above prompt active learning and higher-order thinking. Questions are aligned with the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) 2016 RN test plan and are written in the style used on the licensing examination. Other features include the use of all the types of alternate-format questions found on the licensing examination, detailed rationale for both correct and incorrect answers, information about the NCLEX-RN, and study tips.
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- Product Type:
- Book
- Author:
- Lisko, Susan A.
- 978-1-49-632549-5
- Specialty:
- Fundamentals of Nursing
- Nursing
- Nursing Education
- References
- Research & Theory
- Skills & Procedures
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 7th
- Pages:
- 912
- Publication Year:
- 2016
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