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Massachusetts General Hospital Review of Critical Care Medicine
- Publication Year:
- 2013
- Edition:
- 1st
- Author:
- Berg, Sheri M.; Bittner, Edward A.
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- 978-1-45-117368-0
- Doody's Star Rating®:
- Score:
- 61
Also Recommended
Ideal for critical care fellows, critical care nurses, residents, and practitioners who spend time in the ICU, this book employs brief chapters on focused topics to help readers review core areas and test their knowledge.
- Broad scope addresses all major topics is adult critical care with contributions from experts in a range of disciplines.
- Concise chapters based on commonly referenced topics make the review easy to navigate.
- Focused discussions are based on patient presentation and are structured to include common causes, initial management strategies, pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, management, and outcomes.
- Incisive review questions (3-10 per topic) include answers and explanations to help readers understand the how and why behind each answer.
- Staff of MGH and its sister institutions provide consistent terminology and presentation throughout the review.
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- Product Type:
- Book
- Author:
- Berg, Sheri M.; Bittner, Edward A.
- 978-1-45-117368-0
- Specialty:
- Critical Care Medicine
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 1st
- Pages:
- 448
- Publication Year:
- 2013
- Doody's Star Rating®:
- Score:
- 61
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