Customized proof of ownership

One of your first steps as a newly incorporated business is to hold an organizational meeting to issue shares of stock (or membership interests for an LLC) as proof of ownership. You’ll also want to keep extra certificates on hand to ensure this formality is properly observed and recorded as you grow.

Ownership Certificate FAQs

I’m not selling or offering shares to the public. Do I still need ownership certificates?

Yes, every corporation must properly document its ownership interests—even if there’s only one shareholder. LLCs and other types of businesses do not have to follow state law requirements as strictly, but it’s still a best practice to provide proof of ownership through membership certificates.

I ordered a Corporate Seal and Compliance Kit. Do I need to order ownership certificates?

CT Corporation's Corporate Seal and Compliance Kit includes 10 ownership certificates, so if you have more than 10 ownership interests, you’ll need more. Keep in mind that, as ownership interests change hands or new owners come on board, you must issue new certificates—so you may want to order a few extras.

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